Building Self-esteem in Children

building self-esteem in children

You choose how you live

It's time to start your new life

“Sometimes it’s easy to notice when kids seem to feel good about themselves — and when they don’t. We often describe this idea of feeling good about ourselves as “self-esteem.”

Kids with self-esteem:

feel liked and accepted;
feel confident;
feel proud of what they can do;
think good things about themselves;
believe in themselves’

Kids with low self-esteem:

are self-critical and hard on themselves;
feel they’re not as good as other kids;
think of the times they fail rather than when they succeed
lack confidence;
doubt they can do things well.”


Parents can help the children know they are good in many ways.

In fact, it is natural that parents will help children to feel good about themselves because of natural love.

However, it is easy for parents to make mistakes in the expression of their love.

If you are too busy, you may neglect the think about how you can best help your children to develop good self-esteem.

Even if you might squeeze out some time to spend with your children, you could not have a sure way to help your children.

You must know the time we live in, which is the time It your children live as well.

Yes, it is the best of times; it is the worst of times.

Today’s children can have a lot of bad influence due to modern technology. It is indeed the worst of times.

If you are a concerned parents, there are many ways to help your children due to the modern technology. It is the best of times.

So again, it is your choice.

Know the meaning of life, you can make the right use of your time.

